When you visit Big Creek Winery or our tasting rooms, you can enjoy the results of a painstaking process. Here are some of the steps we take in creating the wines you enjoy.

  1. Grape Harvesting: The winemaking process begins with the careful harvesting of grapes. Timing is crucial to ensure optimal ripeness and flavor.
  2. Sorting and Crushing: Grapes are sorted to remove any unwanted material and then crushed to release the juice. For white wine, the grapes are usually separated from the skins early in the process.
  3. Fermentation: The crushed grapes undergo fermentation, where natural or added yeast converts sugars into alcohol. This stage can take place in stainless steel tanks or oak barrels, depending on the desired style of the wine.
  4. Pressing: After fermentation, the wine is pressed to extract the remaining juice from the grape solids. This step varies for red and white wines; red wines often include skin contact during fermentation for color and tannin extraction.
  5. Aging: The wine is transferred to barrels or tanks for aging. This period allows the wine to develop complexity and character. Aging may occur in stainless steel, oak or a combination of both.
  6. Blending: For some wines we blend different batches to achieve the desired flavor profile, balance and complexity.
  7. Filtration and Clarification: The wine undergoes filtration to remove impurities, sediment and any remaining yeast. This step ensures a clear and stable final product.
  8. Bottling: Once the wine has matured, it is bottled and sealed. Winemakers carefully consider the choice of closures, whether cork, screw cap or other options.
  9. Labeling and Packaging: Wines are labeled with necessary information, including grape variety, vintage and region. The bottles are then packaged and prepared for distribution.
  10. Distribution and Cellaring (if applicable): Wines are distributed to retailers, restaurants or directly to consumers. Some wines benefit from further aging in the bottle, either at the winery or in the hands of collectors.
  11. Serving and Enjoyment: Finally, the wine reaches the table. Proper serving temperatures, glassware, and aeration enhance the tasting experience, allowing enthusiasts to savor the culmination of the winemaking journey.

From the vineyard to the table, each step in the winemaking process contributes to the unique characteristics and flavors of the final product.